Mass 211

Mass 211

Mass 211 is the centralized hub for comprehensive information about and referral to the complete spectrum of services in Massachusetts that address the social determinants of healthy lives and communities. We provide a stigma free 24/7 contact center and public portal website that empowers people with the information they need to make informed decisions and to get the right help for their circumstances.

Mass 211 can be contacted simply by dialing 211 from most phones and is the only organization in Massachusetts that can be contacted using this easy to remember three-digit number.

We help to increase the capacity of health and human service delivery systems by getting the right people to the right services and by providing information about programs and services that can support better outcomes. Mass 211 increases system capacity by providing data to inform policy development and resource allocation.


211HELPSteps is the on line platform of Mass211. From any desk top or mobile device, individuals can search and then connect to local health and human service resources across the Commonwealth. Programs that are included support basic needs such as food security, housing, child care, transportation as well as resources for mental and emotional health. Our database is available to anyone with access to the internet or a smart phone. It is free, multi lingual and ADA compliant. Visit
